Well I just thought I'd update you all on how Adrian and I are doing. We've been super busy lately. Adrian started wrestling practice up again and he loves it. It's hard on our schedule, but it's worth it. For those of you who may not know, he is now the head coach, so that's always exciting. His first duel is this Wednesday at my high school, so I'll see some of it before I head off to dress rehearsal (yay).
This weekend our first play of the year opens, The Mousetrap. It's a murder mystery. My students have worked incredibly hard and are going to do awesome. I'm excited. Then in December, we'll put on our Shakespeare play, As You Like It. Yeah, it's pretty busy for us until Christmas.
Over Thanksgiving break, we're moving to a new apartment. It's bigger and has 2 bedrooms! Yay! We're very excited, especially since Sarah is going to help (that's more of a reminder so you don't forget:)). Our new address will be 358 W 400 S #2. We will be living in a triplex. We really liked it when we toured it. Plus we have a washer and dryer! Yay! That's definitely something we'll need when the baby comes.
In Mackenzie news, she's kicking all the time, and now Adrian can feel it, which he loves. He talks to her all the time. To celebrate when we found out we're having a girl, we went and bought some cute outfits, and of course, some of them say things like I Love Daddy and Daddy's Little Girl. Yay, she's not going to be spoiled....Anyway, we're doing great, grateful it hasn't started snowing yet. We love you all!
Here's a picture of me yesterday. I've gained about 20-25 pounds all together.....